Thursday, July 17, 2008

Lancelin trip

Lancelin is a small fishing and tourist town 110km north of Perth. I went there for a mini road trip with a group of friends and stayed for 3 days from the 14th July till 16th July. We rented a house. it took us less than 2 hours to get there. Derek drove Joelin and I up there with his 4WD Prado.

We arrived the house at about 12pm. We started cooking for lunch. And then we played Wii till evening.

Hui Mei & David obsessed with Wii :P

At about 5pm, Danny and I were thinking of going to the beach. David and Hui Mei joined us. When we reached the beach, we drove along the beach and went further down and away. Out of a sudden, we realized that the tyres got stuck deeply in the sand. We were like...Holy S@#T , how the hell could we get this car out of the sand. we tried many ways, including putting seaweeds and even slippers behind the tyres and tried to reverse the car, pushing the cars with the triceps available, but not, they didn't work!!!

Luckily, ok...luckily, God Bless!! 1 random guy drove down the beach and saw that we were in deep S@#T, he came down, put on a rope and tried to reverse his car to pull our car out of the same to the more flat surface, while we pushed the car from the front. After few failing attempts, finally, we successfully got the car out of the deep sand area. Heaps of thanks to this kind and helpful guy, if he wasn't there, we would have to walk HOME!!

At night, we had seafood for BBQ.

Scallops, Tiger prawns, clams, .......Yummy!!!

On the 15th July, we went to the sand dune for sandboarding and riding on a BIG BIG foot truck! It was raining and so windy but it was still fun though. The sandboarding part would have been better if it wasn't raining. The most exciting part of the ride is when the "Big Foot" was driving up and down the high, steep, undulating mini hills. I couldn't manage to take many photos for the sand boarding part due to the unpleasant weather.

At night , we had BBQ as well, but this time, it's chicken wings, beefs and sausages, we also had custom made burgers:D thanks to Hui Mei and David for the great patties!!

After dinner, we didn't do anything much, talking craps with some friends, Danny was tipsy, and even in the room, we talked and sang so loud till around 2am (sorry for waking up you guys sleeping next doors).

Derek and Alwin at the beach!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Thank God for the blessing.

Hereby I would like to thank God for passing my General Pathology exam. I was so worried with that exam ever since I walked out from the exam hall. I really thought I was gonna fail, as I thought that I kinda screwed up my essay part, although the SAQ was good. And so I prayed to God and seeked for his precious help and blessing. And now, it's fulfilled. Thank You GOD for everthing, praise the LORD!! :D I finally don't need a supp paper, and I don't have to defer my flight anymore in January. :D

Alwin's McRamlee Burger!

I was working overnight about 2 weeks back, and I had nothing much to do. And it was extremely quite in the store. Thus, I sent my crews on break earlier. I was hungry as well as both of them. Muha and I decided to make a burger+ eggs. And I actually named it McRamlee burger (Ramlee burger is a popular Malay burger often sold in a stall everywhere in Malaysia).

First of all, I sprayed the buns ( for Quarter Pounder) with vegetable oil, and then toast it on the grill, instead of the bun toaster.
Then I cooked the beef patty ( the big one used in Quarter Pounder burger) in the usual way, then we cooked 2 eggs together on the grill.
Next, I wrapped beef patty around with the eggs.
I put a slice of cheese on top of it, and added mayonaise and sweet chilli sauce ( YUMMY!!!! :D)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Staying awake at Maccas

It's 4.14am, and I'm still awake, and I'm writing my blog at this time. Im still at Maccas. I finished work at 12.40am and I was supposed to leave and close the store at Hay Street at 12am. I realized that I missed the last train home. SHIT!!! Then I walked back to my store at William St. Bloody Jay who lives in the city wanted to sleep and didn't want me to clash his house...SUCKA!! Oh well, I could just keep feeding myself with my custom-designed Mcbacon-with-BBQ sauce pizza, fries, eggs with onions..(damn fatto!!) I cant sleep here, tried to sleep in the office but I just cant.. HAHA..
I'm now waiting for the 1st train service to operate at 5 something.
Maoee called at 11.30pm from Melbourne (1.30am???) and told me the good news that she passed her OSPE!!Was it called OSPE?? :s Congratulation to her that she passed it! Like I said, it wasn't that easy to fail if she did little mistake:p Anyway, good on her. Hope you enjoy yourselves in Melbourne. Take care, don't be spendtrift. Later broke again, then GG!!
GTG have fun with crews and Wei now!!C ya!! :D