Monday, June 2, 2008

Alwin's first ever tibial block!

Hmm, today is Foundation day, which is a public holiday. We didn't have any external placement. Therefore, we were asked to be at clinic at 9am for practising neurovascular examination (boring one)!! Hmm, then we were told that A/Prof Alan Bryant was gonna do a tibial block on a volunteer later in the morning, which is an application of local anaesthetics on tibial nerve, located posterior to the medial malleolus. He was looking for a brave volunteer. I pretended to be a "hero" and wanted to volunteer for it.

Oops!! going in going in!!!

Heidi was doing tibial block on Danny. Guess what! Danny yelled
in agony!!

Ji soo, another guinea pig!! Tiffany, good job with that!!