Anyway, I haven't updated my blog since 10 days ago. Guess I do it now. Have been busy with Aboriginal health assignment and preparation for pharmacology.
As the title has implied, I had a bad bad day today, or maybe you think not really as your other bad bad day. This how the story begins
Woke up early, went to OHCWA for Histopathology revision session. Looking at Tuberculosis histologically, which I barely had any idea about it. Looking at the slides, just like reading a story book in Greek or Russian, (or probably Korean!!! PABOYA!!!). And I asked Dr Frydrych a dumb question, ----> Do TB and Amyloidosis look 'quite' similar histologically?
Man!! ALWIN GOT CHOPPED !!!She, whose popular quote has always been " You guys have to read the recommended textbooks to pass this unit", just told me something intimidating+ depressing+pressurising+ pathologising, " It's already 3 weeks away from exams, and you never read your textbook, and you don't understand 'blablabla'. I can guarantee that you are going to fail." OMG-ness!! that just crushed my heart at that very spur of that very moment.
Anyway, I understand that she was not being mean, she was actually being honest and motivating/inspiring. Hoping that I better study my ass off for the upcoming exams!
Then, I had a 20 pissed-me-off and dumbly-answered Pharmacology MCQ test. And yes! I just stupidly answered the questions, regardless of how many rounds of full lecture contents I have gone through, and despite of how Xiaomao wished me Good luck and hope I scored at least 16/20. Sorry for disappointing you, I feel so dumb, dumb, dumb, please don't say that I am smart, cause I'm just not. I got the result, and it wasn't pleasant enough. But I passed. How on earth was I gonna fail if i studied right? If I did, I better be......(no idea).
Then, had large pizza "con tuntto" with iced Mocha for lunch. Anyway that anchovies tasted so salty!! GOSH!! and, I felt so FATTO!!!damn!! :P
A quote from Lil' Jon" How can you eat pizza and then drink milk( Mocha) the same time?"
thanks to u JON!I am having a Gastroinstestinal tract discomfort at the moment!!
Lil' Jon who got addicted to "Ah Long Pte Ltd" has dubbed Alwin a new nicname. which again doesn't sound as pleasant as the one that he usually calls me (uncle). Guess what's the new nicname!
Hereby, I would like to send my condolence to Pei Fen, whose father passed away few days ago! Hope you and your family stay strong! And may God be with you all always.CHAO AH KUA
which means " smelly sissy". I guess just because only lil'Jon and Tiffy and Alwin(barely) can understand Hokkien or Singlish in Pods! We know that Jono cant!!There's no one else that he can make fun of, except Alwin I guess. Haha..But excuse me man!!!
I would like to wish my friends here in Australia, includes Newcastle as well (aaron, i mean u!!!) Good luck in exams!!
Ok, think I have spent too much time for this. I better stop here, and update again if i have the time.
A message for Tiffy, " thanks for the delicious cookies today, I'm sure they taste better than those at Famous Amous, Muahaha!!"